Social Media Marketing Facts | Social Media Benefits To Business
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10 Fascinating Social Media Marketing Facts

10 Fascinating Social Media Marketing Facts

Social Media is increasingly prevalent in business marketing strategies. With a host of popular platforms available for use, the prospect of initiating profiles on the most suitable selection of social networks can be daunting for large companies, let alone small business owners.

ROI (Return on Investment) is still difficult to measure, with digital marketing professionals in conflict over whether engagement (likes, shares, etc), website traffic or sales are the best way to detail the success of marketing when it comes to Social Media.

Therefore it is easy for business owners to disregard Social Media altogether. With this in mind, we have collated ten fascinating facts about Social Media Marketing that should help to convince you that Social Media could be a really beneficial addition to your marketing strategy.

Social Media Marketing Facts

  1. By the end of 2014, 52% of adults who are active online had a presence on at least two Social Media platforms. Source
  2. Mothers with children aged under five years old are the most active demographic on Social Media. Source
  3. The social platforms that teens and young adults, aged between 12 and 24, consider important are, in descending order; Instagram (32%), Twitter (24%), Facebook (14%), Snapchat (13%) and Tumblr (4%). Source
  4. Engagement, which includes likes, shares, comments, is still considered the most important metric for determining the success of Social Media marketing campaigns. 80% of marketers include engagement with audience size (61%) and site traffic (56%) as one of the top three metrics for Social Media marketing. Source
  5. Just 22% of businesses that use Social Media marketing outsource it to an experienced digital marketing agency. Source
  6. 33% of millennials (those who reached adulthood around the year 2000) consider social media as an important way of communicating with the businesses who supply them with products or services. This figure drops to less than 5% when the same question is put to those aged 55 or older. Source
  7. 64% of professionals who work in sales detailed at least one deal in 2014 being completed thanks to their use of Social Media. Source
  8. 61% of new businesses, particularly startups, are actively using social media for marketing purposes. Source
  9. 43% of digital marketers who implement Social Media marketing strategies believe that Social Media is one of the most important aspects of their marketing strategy. 49% find that it can be difficult to utilise successfully. Source
  10. By the beginning of 2015, a staggering 34% of small businesses still had no presence on any Social Media platform. 36% of businesses that did maintain a social presence admit to completely ignoring customer comments on the platforms they do use. Source

With numbers of Social Media-savvy consumers and businesses on the rise, there has never been a better time to create an online presence for your company. Up to 90% of young adults aged between 18 and 29 regularly use social media. Just 35% of those over age 65 use social networks, but in an ageing society, that counts for a significant proportion of the population. With the UK becoming increasingly internet proficient, if you don’t believe that your company could benefit from an active presence on Social Media, you could be left behind.

Social Media Marketing with BoostOnline

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