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BoostOnline – Top Quality SEO Services In Surrey

BoostOnline – Top Quality SEO Services In Surrey

A High Calibre Service

At BoostOnline, we are extremely proud to be ranked as the second best SEO agency in the whole of Surrey by PR Expert. It was great to see that the article ranked us so highly due to our innovation, growth and fantastic management, all of which are very important parts of our culture.

While we are very pleased with being placed so highly on this list, we at BoostOnline always strive to be the best in everything that we do. As a result, we are going to do everything we can to ensure we are viewed as the top SEO agency in Surrey this time next year.

In order to achieve this, we are going to explain exactly what SEO is and why the services we offer are of the highest quality.

What Is SEO?

SEO, short for search engine optimisation, is the process of increasing the amount of relevant traffic that a website receives. This can be achieved by using a combination of techniques, such as uploading optimised content, using relevant keywords and ensuring that high quality backlinks are present, just to name a few.

At BoostOnline, we tailor our SEO strategy to your business’ needs in order to ensure that your website receives the optimal amount of traffic. Listed below are just some of the reasons as to why you should choose us for a comprehensive SEO service.

Why Choose BoostOnline?

Dedicated Account Manager

We want everyone who joins us to feel valued so we assign each of our clients with an account manager who will look after all the SEO activities related to your business’ website. All of our account managers are thoroughly experienced and extremely friendly so they will be able to answer any questions that you may have in a confident and detailed manner.

In addition to this, the main role of our account managers is to get your website ranking highly on search engine results pages. We have experienced a great deal of success in this area so you can rest assured that your business is in the best possible hands.

Analytics Reports

In order to track the benefits that our SEO services are bringing to your business, we will set you up with a Google Analytics account. We will then use this to analyse key information such as the amount of organic users generated, conversions, bounce rates, etc.

All of this information will then be compiled into an SEO report which we can then send and talk through with you every week, fortnight or month, depending on your preference.

Different Types Of SEO

At BoostOnline, we offer both on-page and off-page SEO services. This helps to ensure that your website is fully covered when it comes to SEO which will allow it to rank highly on search engine results pages.

Examples of on-page SEO include uploading optimised content and writing relevant meta titles and descriptions. In contrast to this, off-page SEO is more focused on listing your website on popular business directories as well as producing a strong social media showing.

Contact Us

We hope that the above information has convinced you that we are deserving of the number one SEO agency in Surrey title. If you would like to know a bit more about what our SEO services can do for your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from and hopefully being of service to you.