Search Ads 360 | Boost Online Advertising Agency
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What Is Search Ads 360?

What Is Search Ads 360?

What Is Search Ads 360?

What Is Search Ads 360 (Previously DoubleClick for Search)? SA 360 is a search management platform with advanced automation and reporting functionality. SA360 offers a variety of tools to help advertisers improve performance and optimise spend. Aimed at helping companies manage multiple paid search accounts or engines in one centralised location. 

Automated Bid Strategies

SA360 allows you to create tailored bid strategies to achieve a variety of complex goals. Automated bid strategies allow you to take a data driven approach with your search activity across Google Ads, Microsoft Ads and a variety of other search engines. 

Search Ads 360 Advanced Reporting Tools

Search Ads 360 offers an advanced suite of reporting tools. The cross account reporting functionality is made possible with the use of Floodlight Sales and Floodlight Counter tags. These tags allow you to gather additional information on how users engaged with your site and the products they purchased. Then this data can then be fed back into your bid strategies to improve performance or blended with Google Analytics data to provide valuable business insights.

Search Ads 360 E-Commerce Suite

SA360 is one of the most powerful tools available to e-commerce accounts. An entire suite of Google marketing tools have been developed to help you maximise your ROI.

Inventory Management Campaigns

The ability to scale your search activity using a centralised product feed. The ability to convert this feed into granular templated search campaigns can help rapidly expand your reach, sales and conversions.

Adaptive Shopping Campaigns

Shopping campaigns are a key aspect of any retailers PPC activity. SA360 allows you to segment digital campaigns based on previous performance to ensure the best ROAS is achieved.

What Is Search Ads 360 Real Time Bidding?

Leveraging additional data signals and search trends, SA360 is able to adjust bids effectively at the time of auction with an effective bid strategy.

Offline Conversion Imports

This platform allows you to upload offline conversion events such as: phone calls, in store purchases and store visits. This additional data point allows you evaluate the impact of online activity in the offline environment.