Choosing The Right Google Ads Agency For Your Business | Boost
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Choosing The Right Google Ads Agency For Your Business

Choosing The Right Google Ads Agency For Your Business

As a business owner, you’ll likely already be aware of how powerful an online marketing tool PPC can potentially be. Choosing a Google Ads Agency in which to entrust your business’ PPC strategy (and its budget!), however, can be quite a galling proposition, especially if you aren’t particularly familiar with the world of digital marketing yourself. It’s often tricky to know whether or not an agency truly knows their onions and is capable of delivering on your marketing goals, so we’ve put together a few key strengths that you should be looking for in any potential Agency in order to avoid the disappointment of wasting time and money on a sub-optimal strategy.

Analytical, Results-Focused Approach

Google Ads can be a wonderfully effective tool for PPC. Aside from the obvious fact that there’s huge potential exposure on offer thanks to Google’s gargantuan 84% market share among search engines, the platform itself provides a broad and detailed set of results data to enable its users to optimise their strategy.

Any Google Ads Agency worth their salt should, therefore, be taking a highly analytical approach to PPC, continually assessing the data that your campaigns are churning out and finding insights that improve your strategy, and in turn your results. Whether your goal is to generate leads, sales or to increase awareness of your brand, a good agency will have the experience and knowledge to set up an efficient campaign and to optimise it continually over time, with the unwavering aim of providing its clients with the best value for their investment.

Furthermore, it is a good idea to look for an agency with expertise in setting up Google Analytics and call tracking – a top agency understands that these elements are key to gathering effective, actionable data and helping to inform PPC strategy.

Transparency & Communication

As we’ve acknowledged already, placing your faith in an agency can be an anxiety-inducing undertaking. It’s no good if an agency, even an otherwise capable one, compounds this anxiety with poor communication and a lack of transparency in their dealings with you. It’s important to look for an agency who are keen to keep you in the loop, offering detailed personalised reports that help you understand the value that your PPC campaign is providing to your business.

It’s important that you should feel you can approach your agency with any requests, comments or concerns and actually be listened to. Clear and honest communication between agency and client is vital to a successful Google Ads strategy, so you should be able to speak to a dedicated account manager at any time, whether over the phone, email, or face to face.

Local Search Expertise

It may surprise you that according to Google, 46% of all search queries they receive are for local information. Finding an agency with extensive knowledge of, and experience in optimising Google Ads accounts for local search, is therefore key to getting the most out of your PPC campaigns, especially if you run a small, local business.

A good google ads agency will have the experience and know-how to target the kind of high-intent, locally focused keywords that reliably convert into leads and sales. What’s more, they will know the importance of ensuring that ads are optimised for mobile users who may be out and about locally and ready to spend their money, which can massively help to boost your sales and local presence.

Certifications & Partnerships

As you will have likely gathered while reading this blog, two key strengths running through all these categories that you must look for in an agency are experience and expertise. It’s a good idea, therefore, to ask any potential agency about their certifications and partnerships. You can trust that an agency with certified Google Ads expertise will have the accumulated knowledge and skills to help you achieve your marketing goals.

The Google Premier Partnership program recognises excellence in using Google Ads to drive client growth. Working with a Google Premier Partner means you are entrusting your campaigns to an agency which is certified as having the expertise and the track record to consistently maximise customer success. What’s more, Google Partners are kept abreast of planned changes and updates to the platform (which seems to happen on an almost constant basis), ensuring that your account can navigate such transitions smoothly and stay ahead of the competition.

As useful as certification in Google Ads is, it can also be useful to find an agency that specialises not only in PPC, but other areas of digital marketing as well, such as SEO, Social Media Marketing and Web Development. An all-round digital marketing agency understands that PPC forms but one part of an integrated digital marketing strategy, and the ways in which these different elements can complement each other to deliver even better results.

Contact BoostOnline Today

We at BoostOnline would like to thank you for taking the time to read this blog post, and we hope you’ve found it informative. If you’d like to learn more about what an expert Google Ads Agency can do for your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a free, no-obligation account review.